This is the first in my series of personal portraits, and who better to be my first subject than my Dad – a man I admire. Growing up, he was extremely involved in my life and as I get close to the age of having children myself, I can’t imagine how he found the time or energy to do it all. He was the Scout Master for our By Scout Troop (Eagle Scouts – represent!), Head Coach for our baseball teams, and I swear he attended every track and cross country meet – even though he had to wait until the end to see me (hey – I was top JV my senior year…top 10…).
Everything this man does, he does 100%. Being involved in his sons’ lives, fishing, geocaching, even exercising – the man raced 2 Ironman races for goodness sake – that’s 280 miles in racing! I admire his passion and I see myself follow this behavior with my own hobbies. His new addiction, Halloween. He has a love for learning, tinkering and problem solving, and I think this image truly encapsulates who he is at this moment.
When I asked him why he chose what he did to have in his image, this is what he said:
Pete’s head in progress – My most ambitious Halloween prop build was Pete the Pirate. He required me to learn several new skill sets and pushed me out of my comfort zone. The lessons learned will be expanded on for future builds.
Integrity Poster – Nature has placed nothing so high that virtue can’t reach it. Enough said.
Tri hat – My interest in remaining physically fit is constantly reinforced by all the motivating people that make up the Triathlon Club of San Diego.
Frankenstein with the cowboy hat – The hat was part of my surprise 55th birthday party throw by my wonderful wife of 31 years. Spending the evening celebrating with her and some of our closest friends was a true pleasure. Family and good friends are a blessing and should be cherished and appreciated.
Wine drinking pirate – Reminds me to take some time to relax and enjoy life. (Victoria and I got this for him!)
Ironman shirt – Ironman was one of my greatest challenges which pushed me to my physical and mental limits. I didn’t get enough the first time so I did it twice!
This rooms a wreck sign – “If a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind, what is the significance of a clean desk?” is a favorite quote from Albert Einstein and my desk looks like it. (I’ve certainly inheritted this trait too.)
Masks and Busts – They support my interest in putting on a complex Halloween display. I’m still not sure who gets the most enjoyment from it, the people that come to see it or me as I watch their reactions.
So thank you Dad – for being my first subject in this project (and every time a new piece of equipment gets delivered to your house.)
XRumerTest - Hello. And Bye.
Papa Voodoo – Halloween Prop by Halstaff » Red Tie Photography - […] year my dad, Steve Koci aka Halstaff, completely redesigns his house with Halloween props for his annual haunt, Sanctuary […]
Richard Tancil #WhoAreYouPortrait » Red Tie Photography - […] (and I was BAD when I started) to grow to where I am now. As with the portrait of my dad, Steve Koci, I wanted to incorporate things that were important to Richard, what made him who he is […]